If you're reading this, you probably like my first post, so read on.---------------------------------------------------It takes a lot to be my best friend, so these are the requirements: 1. dont be a total NOOB
2. already be my friend, obviously.
3. meet me 3-4 times, with me still liking you. most of my friends are only met for 1 time so...
Well, now that ive told you the requirements, here's my current list of best friends. * I'm not showing favoritsm or anything, I'm just telling you.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CarlJP: hes one of my very first best friends. I dont remember when i met him, but i still follow him every once in a while.
craventristan:he always appreciates it if I meet him. hes pretty good at combat, and you do not WANT to mess with him. believe me, I tried.
bustercyl: hes the first of what I like to call: the group. these people are friends with each other, including me. here are the following "members":
johann123456: one of my best friends. he occasionally follows me.
ImEatingSoap: some guy who stalks me everywhere. but sometimes, i stalk him back :3
Bwuaky7784: he hasnt been online much, but I can say that hes a good friend.
darkest24: a roblox veteran. like bwuaky, he hasnt been online much.
horizon123456: hes somewhat of a noob, but dont worry. hes a good friend.
ana1sband: my first female best friend. I met her in survival 404, which i will soon review.
chickenlord: I met him along with ana, so its pretty awkward lol-----------------------------------------well, thats all for now, so see ya!
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